Rezensionen zu: Azzpadz Crash Pants D3O - M. P.

Azzpadz Crash Pants D3O
Verfasser: M. P.
Datum: 27.10.2020
I got these for mountain biking, despite them being designed for snowboarding. Specifically, I wanted something that would give solid protection when you loop out backwards on a mountain bike and land hard on your arse, such as can easily happen when practicing/learning manuals or wheelies. I was warned the azzpadz might be uncomfortable with a saddle, but this is not the case. I have used them for a week including bikepark practice and trail riding. I rode a 20km trail loop and, worn under outer bike shorts and above inner chamois shorts, I barely noticed I was wearing it after a while, even when sitting on saddle. Thankfully I have not had any high speed loop-out land so hard you scream tests to report, but it seems to give just about the best protection I could find at the moment. It won\\\'t be part of my every day every ride kit as would be overkill for most rides, but for when you need the added confidence of knowing you will probably get away with it if your tailbone hits a rock, these work well for me and you can cycle fine sitting on the saddle when you want need to. It you are practicing manuals and wheelies and have seen the bruises that can result, these are worth considering. Be aware that they give good protection to your lower back, tailbone, and sitbones, but they do not protect your hips or thighs.
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